Friday, October 9, 2009

Things the Hubs Cannot Stand

In no particular order:

Pointy items standing UP in the dishwasher
Possums (one killed his roommate in college)
Things that burst in your mouth
The evil sun
Olives and broccoli
Unfortunately no picture description: Dampness
(particularly of the clothes and the state of being damp)

He is very sweet and I am poking fun at his quirks, so I will also show you...

Here he his teaching my little cousin to tie his tie before Grandmother's funeral.

He is so cute.

1 comment:

Caffeinated Mommy said...

I have to concur with some of those...especially pointy things sticking up in the dishwasher! I hate that! (although if Brandon, by some divine miracle does the dishes for me, I feel I can't really complain about the knifes sticking up to cut me) =o) So a possum killed Jon's roomate, huh? I think that while I had heard this, I am still a bit fuzzy on how exactly that happened =o) You are so funny! (and yes, he is awfully cute) =o)