Sunday, October 18, 2009

Curses and Chair Breakings

As you may know, the hubs is deep in thesis writing. We are t-minus 2 days until completion. This week the stress level has been amped up as his self-imposed deadline approaches. The last 2 nights we have been playing the Star Trek trivia game my mother gave him a couple of years ago.
The first time we opened the game he said, "These game pieces are not to scale." The game pieces are tiny versions of the first 4 Star Trek ships. Luckily my sister-in-law witnessed his nerdiness so we can bring it up and taunt him mercilessly.

The first time the 3 of us played I won. J then put the game away and declared it stupid. Now, 3 years later it has come out and I failed to live up to the challenge. Our current standings are him 3, me 1. I have to win the next 3 games. It kills me to lose. Especially after I over-thought the winning answer because he GAVE ME A LOOK, so I changed my original answer. Then he changed his answer and WON. It hurts people, it hurts. 

I might also mention tomorrow's double at the restaurant is going to hurt given I stayed up until 3am challenging him to a rematch. 

I also would like to state that I have always publicly defended Voyager because she has female captain and I thought it was important. No more Voyager. You moronic pile of a series no one cares about. And Chacotay? Piece of **** with a MEDICINE BUNDLE IN SPACE? Seriously. You can put Voyager in the photo collage of Jessica's Arch Nemesis. 

Going to bed. 

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