Friday, February 12, 2010

Color Quiz

Just for fun and because my middle school self still loves a good quiz:

My answer was YELLOW!
You are quite the powerful thinker. It’s this talent that allows you to overcome a plethora of great obstacles. Luckily, this doesn’t affect your ego and you give off a pretty easy-going appearance. You enjoy the finer things in life and also have an attraction to art. If you can help it, you try not to rock the boat. But you also can’t stop yourself from searching for new ideas, methods or styles.

Take your color quiz here at True Value Paint.


Caffeinated Mommy said...

Yea!!! I love quizzes! I got yellow too...who knew? =o) Love you!

JR said...

Apparently all of our obsessing and picking things apart makes us "Powerful Thinkers"! Look out world!