Tuesday, July 21, 2009

'Tis a Puzzlement

So these are my newest acquisitions: 

They are old tin ceiling tiles. I got the largest at an antique store in Burnet, TX on my birthday and the other two I got off Ebay, because I could not wait to stumble upon them on my own. I also needed them RIGHT THEN so I could hang them all together. 

As it always goes, they are just leaning against the wall in the dining room a month past when I HAD TO HAVE THEM. Just like how I HAVE TO explain this with capital letters. 

So, here enters the dilemma. How to hang them? Below are some pics of the empty wall that NEEDED HELP RIGHT THEN. 

I am concerned about balancing the three shapes. I also need to figure out how to Superglue some sort of hanging contraption onto the back of them. 

Of course now I am looking at the pictures and thinking about how plain that wall looks, and should I paint it first? I probably should have whispered that so that hubs doesn't have a conniption. 

But I do think the tiles will look great with the sea shell centerpiece and white curtains. Which I intentionally brought up JUST SO I could show you the picture! I picked up the shells in May at Shell Beach in Florida. The beach had perfect shells there, but most had living creatures in them, and I was not down with committing a senseless murder just for a shell with no specific purpose.

Maybe I should clarify: Not down with senseless murder for specific decorating purposes or any other reason. 

There was also the question of the plane ride home, so I opted for the already busted pieces to take with me. Some broke even more on the way home, but that was fine given I found this fantastic woven plate charger on sale before I left, which made me a girl with a plan. 

I have never been one for shells or sea themes. However, I have enjoyed these shells immensely. Maybe because they are not perfect. Maybe because the entire centerpiece cost $5 including the doily runner I picked up at a garage sale. Maybe because it was the first vacation I have ever taken with the purpose of relaxing and not SEEING. 

So, the dining area. A work in progress. I'll keep you posted. 


Caffeinated Mommy said...

In love with those tiles!!!! I think we should work on you releasing some of your creative juju into my new house. =o)

Urban Legend said...

Yeah, can you come visit with the purpose of DECORATING my apartment? Thanks.