Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Nostalgic Nest

The International School of Color and Design offers a quiz on your decorating style here. My results were Nostalgic Nest which apparently means I am sentimental, not driven by trends, down to earth, and make my own treasures. 
Spot on! Besides, I love an internet quiz that doesn't involve spelling errors and checking boxes. 

Sadly, after coercing the hubs to take the same quiz we discovered his tastes are quite a bit different. His style personality is Sleek New Earth which apparently he considers the technological side of our space. Whaaaaatevs! The plus side is that supposedly he loves the outdoors and loves to bring the into his space. That would complimentary to my results except for the fact that he hates the sun. Which gives me a whole new idea for a blog on the crazy things the hubs abhors. Tune in next week! 

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