Saturday, March 6, 2010

Making the Cut

I do not wear a watch. I know my schedule in my head. Ot at least, I used to be able to mentally keep my schedule. But now I have an internship with clients, a house cleaning job, a volunteer/job, a waiting tables job, and 2 classes. 

Something needs to go before it is my mind.

A friend told me just to do it. Just make a cut and get it over with and not waste time thinking about it any longer. So today I asked the restaurant to cut back a shift so I had no doubles there at least. 

It might take a week or two, but I am hoping this will help. I do not know what else to cut, but when I am waiting for Spring Break to get the house clean something needs to go!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hard copy

At long last, the bound copy of J's thesis arrived. Naturally, I had a photo shoot with our copy.

It is just so cool. J wrote a book for all intents and purposes. I washed and sometimes folded all the under-roos he wrote it in, so naturally I not so secretly hoped I would have a place in the university library (not to mention my bitchin photo shoot with the book).

I know, that my one reader is waiting with baited breath after my post here regarding his thesis writing. Below is what I saw when he finished it. I thought it was classic J and said so much in 3 little words.

But the man is even lovelier than I thought. Isabelle agreed and demanded her stamp in the book more literally.